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During the journey of life, everyone goes through times of failure, pain and suffering. However only those who have the guts to get up and continue with their journey, emerge victorious.
The day you decide to pay a deaf ear to the world and run towards your ambition in life without looking back, you have already succeeded.
Ačiū, kad taip pasakei, brangus man žmogau.

2020-06-22 09:29
Norint komentuoti, reikia prisijungti
Blogas komentaras Rodyti?
2020-06-22 09:32
Ir dar tu sakei taip:

Sometimes in life you just have to stop worrying too much, close your eyes and just let your life take you wherever it has to. When you open your eyes, you'll find yourself in the best place you could ever be.
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