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I'm tip-toeing around the house:
to let you sleep, you will need energy –

this is the fall that matters,

these are important frost bites:
a simple whim freezes time,
and there you have it, a story about a man,
whose touch turned everything into gold,
but then left the original sin – the original inside.
It's a good analogy for September,
and for us.

I personify all of our misfortunes:
here is Fuck You, there is Cunt,
and in the corner – Die Shitface
making out with Let's Talk Please,
and all of their family, including
Mortgage, Cat, Shared Stuff, Mem'ries
and Slow Dances On THOSE Evenings.

And I do, I really feel them touching me,
I watch them gathering to dine with us –
it is awkward, you can sense the greed
in the dim air of an evening.
Yet no one speaks, they just breathe,
until one of them tells a dad joke,
a stupid remark about each other,
and it breaks loose.

It’s not bad, there’s wine,
and a nice dish, Better Served Cold.

I think this time is off, as if we had arrhythmia,
a funny juxtaposition between the fallings off
of chamomile and dreamy girls. Speed up,
skip a heart, skip a petal,
or a tip-toe.

Now you go, hunt something,
bring meat and fire, and beat your chest:
for us, for a man, for a woman, so wild,
that they first learnt tip-toeing rather than
just walking straight.

2022-01-12 14:53
Į mėgstamiausius įsidėjo
Šią informaciją mato tik svetainės rėmėjai. Plačiau...
Norint komentuoti, reikia prisijungti
Balsų: 2 Kas ir kaip?
Blogas komentaras Rodyti?
2022-03-29 20:39
Quite astonishing, actually. I won't pretend that I get all the metaphors here, frankly, I probably don't understand two thirds of them, but the tone, the feeling... Well, that is something I can relate to very well. I almost got goosebumps by the last line.

Perskaičiau, ir atmintyje iš kažkur atgijo eilutės, kurių autoriaus nežinau:

Mūsų mylimos moterys mato mus
Mūsų ietys žiba ir mirga
Jok, nesustok, jok, nebijok
Jok ir kovok kaip vyras.
Nes drakono medžiokė
- drąsiųjų lemtis
O jo kraujas
- drąsiųjų vynas.

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Geras Blogas
Blogas komentaras Rodyti?
2022-01-17 11:59
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Geras (1) Blogas
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2022-01-13 18:35
ne kiekvienas čia gali įvertinti. išsiverčiau - kažkas užkliuvo.5
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Geras Blogas
Blogas komentaras Rodyti?
2022-01-12 21:46
Aštuntoj eilutėj biškelį raidę praleidau „but theN left...“. Deepest ragrets, ya know what I'm sayin?
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