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- Where you been? No see you two hours!
- I was busy, Ahmed.
- Busy with woman?
- I was sleeping, my friend.
- Yes, I know, sleeping with woman, yes?
- Ahmed…
- Tell me, tell me how I get woman? Tell me!
- Well… try to find one you really like and talk to her…
- And she will do everything I want?
- Maybe. Not sure, however, she’ll go to Egypt with you.
- No! NO! No Egypt! Egypt – wife. No Egypt!
- Whatever then. Just choose the one you like and talk to her.
- I no care I like. Just need Europe woman.
- No, you see, everything is interdependent…
- What?
- Depends on each other.
- Aaahh… Why?
- Because to make woman do something you want you need to do just one thing.
- What? What fing?
- You need to make her want to do that thing more then everything else in her life (at least at the moment).
- How do that?
- Well, every drop of water is different, every bird has its own song. You need to find the way to her personality.
- How?
- It depends on case to case. Usually you need to charm her, make her laugh, make her feel desired.
- Desired always!
- Yes, but you make her understand she is very special to you. So special that can be one for the rest of your life…
- No rest of life. Rest of life - wife Egypt.
- It doesn’t matter actually. The whole trick is that you need to be sincere when speaking to her. Woman can feel it. And if she KNOWS she is special to you, she just might like to do something special to you, if she likes you.
- Ok, ok… And how long talk?
- Oh… sometimes ten minutes is enough, sometimes ten years is not.
- No, no! No ten years. Egypt on Sunday. How ten minutes?
- No luck, my friend. For ten minutes you need to be blond.
- Why blond?! I Arab! Arab no blond!
- Everything is in the God’s will, my friend, Inshallah, as you say it. You see, God wanted Arabs to be good warriors.
- Worry?
- Soldiers, like you, my friend.
- I good soldier!
- You see! So God wanted Arabs to be good soldiers and serve to him as his chosen nation. And when you have such mission, you cannot just walk and fuck around everybody that moves. However, God is good to people and has created someone for sexual joy - the blonds. You see, when you are blond it’s like you have God’s licence to fuck. Everybody have sex with them after ten minutes. Blonds in this way get more experience, become even better lovers and that’s how it goes – everything is interdependent, my friend…
- I see…
2007-12-24 03:37
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2007-12-24 18:32
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