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2016-09-23 02:22
She smiles:
"Other times you must be more than stoical. Naturally, you don't remember the first time I kissed
"Yes, very clearly," I say triumphantly, "it was in Kew Gardens, by the banks of the Thames."
"But what you never knew was that I was sitting on a patch of nettles: my dress was up, my
thighs were covered with stings, and every time I made the slightest movement I was stung again.
Well, stoicism wouldn't have been enough there. You didn't bother me at all, I had no particular desire
for your lips, the kiss I was going to give you was much more important, it was an engagement, a pact.
So you understand that this pain was irrelevant, I wasn't allowed to think about my thighs at a time like
that. It wasn't enough not to show my suffering: it was necessary not to suffer."
She looks at me proudly, still surprised at what she had done.
"For more than twenty minutes, all the time you were insisting on having the kiss I had decided to
give you, all the time I had you begging me—because I had to give it to you according to form—I
managed to anaesthetize myself completely. And God knows I have a sensitive skin: I felt nothing
until we got up."
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2016-09-23 02:01
šaltas vanduo priminė-atnaujino įsidilginimą vakar

That's all for today.
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2016-09-23 01:02
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2016-09-23 00:33
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2016-09-22 21:12
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2016-09-22 21:08
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2016-09-22 13:03
netikėtai išsipurvinau dar nesudžiuvusiu voru
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2016-09-22 02:29
varpus girdėti tebegulint


aštuntas jėzaus žodis

temperatūra puse laipsnio bežiūrint pasikeitė tarsi laikas


einu šaligatviu
žvelgiu į šoną
kažkur turi būti takas
niekur nėra
pirmyn atgal einu einu
tai gyvatvorė tai statybos
pažiūriu į kitą gatvės pusę
kažkas vyksta
maža mergaitė sužeista
niekas nepasirūpina
žiauri maža atvira žaizda
ateinu ir paimu į rankas
suglaudžiu kaip kriauklę
taip ir būnam
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Geras (1) Blogas
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2016-09-21 18:46
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2016-09-21 18:31
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2016-09-21 17:39
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2016-09-21 17:33
Some of these days You'll miss me honey
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2016-09-21 06:30
tylos pasakiau tylos
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2016-09-21 06:30
toks raudonas kad rodos juodas
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2016-09-21 06:25
tai bent stebuklingas buitiškumas atvaizduotas ir nepalygint bet kas iš to
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2016-09-21 06:09
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2016-09-21 06:07
tarsi ir nieko nenutiko ir tik aš tik ne aš ir čia ir dabar ir tiek nesvarbu kokios kalbos kokie dalykai
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2016-09-21 06:03
oj kokia sloga ir pusiau negaliu kvėpuoti jau o tik nuogas kojas iškišau kojūgaly besitrinančias viena į kitą prakaituojančias kažko bet reikia baigti o ne šitai
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2016-09-21 06:01
o ji sakosi nė nemačiusi o aš ir rodos neprisiminiau nė kiek bet kažkas mynėsi minėsi ir netgi mįnėsi
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