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You crawl,
you resist,
you fight the inner pride;
you fall
but you insist
your soul to be alive,

you promise
to yourself
the silver lining come,
you try
for once again
to see the brightest sun;

your dime
has fallen straight
to fight the slaver's pride,
dream big
with fearless heart
to make another start,

your strength
inside will guide
but don't forget to kill
the demon, that's beside,
you thought
you'd never will,

be simple's
what you need,
'cause hopes, so false and high,
the only place
they'd lead
to tears for one more time..
2022-01-17 22:35
Į mėgstamiausius įsidėjo
Šią informaciją mato tik svetainės rėmėjai. Plačiau...
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Blogas komentaras Rodyti?
2022-01-18 10:43
ši vieta beplunxne
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Geras Blogas
Blogas komentaras Rodyti?
2022-01-18 09:49
Vienintelė vieta be kalbėjimo apie nieką gal šita yra:

your dime
has fallen straight
to fight the slaver's pride,
dream big
with fearless heart
to make another start,

Sorry, not sorry.
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