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I don’t need air to breath
Without you life seems brief
The air only contaminates me
I fall asleep so unlike thee

When I'm asleep silently reaper comes
Blind visions show what I've become
Sightless and deaf in my dreams of fire
Only in dreams I still see things I desire

Yet spring is here again...
It's here to reap and maim
All those melancholy spirits
Pushes my mind to the limits

I was awaken in spring
With robe solitary king
All alone in this land of fire
All my life I was but a liar...

Adieu d'amour...
This life is mine no more...
2008-03-04 17:01
Į mėgstamiausius įsidėjo
Šią informaciją mato tik svetainės rėmėjai. Plačiau...
Norint komentuoti, reikia prisijungti
Balsų: 3 Kas ir kaip?
Blogas komentaras Rodyti?
2008-03-12 14:59
my name is Lorita i saw your profile today and i became intrested in you and i will like to know more about you and if you can mail an email to my mail address i will give you my picture.here is my mail address(cumbalorita@yahoo.com)hope we can move from here.waiting for your mail to my mail address above.
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Geras Blogas
Blogas komentaras Rodyti?
2008-03-04 19:06
it's not your's, it's mine
we share ok? ;)
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Geras Blogas
Blogas komentaras Rodyti?
2008-03-04 18:28
I like it :)
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Geras Blogas
Blogas komentaras Rodyti?
2008-03-04 18:17
reiškia "nebe mano"  ;]
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Geras Blogas
Blogas komentaras Rodyti?
2008-03-04 17:12
Plogutits 518
:)Ką reiškia Mine no more? - Minos baigėsi karo nebebus, ar Mink  taką, bet ne per jūrą?..Nu, reikalaunu atsakymaus!:DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
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