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Blogas komentaras Rodyti?
2018-07-25 23:05
But I, sir —
You see me, sir —
Harmless and dreamy, sir —
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Geras (1) Blogas
Blogas komentaras Rodyti?
2018-07-25 22:59
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Geras Blogas
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2018-07-25 22:58
ar gražus aš
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Geras (2) Blogas
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2018-07-25 22:56
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Geras (2) Blogas
Blogas komentaras Rodyti?
2018-07-25 22:45
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Geras Blogas
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2018-07-25 22:44
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Geras Blogas
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2018-07-25 22:42
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Geras Blogas
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2018-07-25 22:38
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Geras Blogas
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2018-07-25 22:34
La Damoiselle élue leaned on the golden barrier of heaven)

From the heights of paradise, a young girl laments the absence of her lover. On Earth, the latter believes he feels her presence
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Geras Blogas
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2018-07-25 22:23
republished it in 1856, 1870 and 1873
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Geras Blogas
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2018-07-25 22:20
(To one, it is ten years of years.
. . . Yet now, and in this place,
Surely she leaned o'er me—her hair
Fell all about my face. . . .
Nothing: the autumn fall of leaves.
The whole year sets apace.)
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Geras Blogas
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2018-07-25 22:19
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Geras Blogas
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2018-07-25 22:12
kurio galbūt nebėra
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Geras Blogas
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2018-07-25 22:11
o kas tai yra
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Geras Blogas
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2018-07-25 22:09
tame troleibuse gyventi
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2018-07-25 22:04
o kitur su degtukų orkaitę o kaip anoje nepamenu nes neteko pačiam
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Geras (1) Blogas
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2018-07-25 22:03
pras prosenelę buvo tokia ir viršutiniame stalčiuje sorų košę pašutindavo
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Geras (1) Blogas
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2018-07-25 22:00
seksą daro pas tave
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Geras Blogas
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2018-07-25 21:56
ne ko vai
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2018-07-25 21:56
pa aš
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