webmistress isejo atostogu
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Always is always forever
As one is one is one
Inside yourself for your father
All is none all is none all is none
It's time to drop all from behind us
The illusion has been just a dream
The Valley of Death may not find us
Now as then on a sunshine beam
So bring only your perfection
For then life will surely be
No cold no fear no hunger
You can see you can see you can see
Ch. M.
When I get to the bottom
I go back to the top of the slide
Where I stop and I turn
And I go for a ride
Till I get to the bottom
And I see you again
Do you, don't you want me to love you?
I'm coming down fast, but I'm miles above you
Tell me, tell me, tell me, come on tell me the answer
Well, you may be a lover, but you ain't no dancer.
Helter skelter, helter skelter
Helter skelter