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2003-07-23 10:14


2003-07-21 15:00


Nekenciu, kaip kalbi su manimi,
Kaip nesioji mano plaukus...

Nekenciu, kaip kalbi,
Kaip kvieti i mane...

Nekenciu tavo sumautai graziu akiu,
Kaip skaitai...mano mintis...

Nekenciu to taip, kad
Slepiuosi po zodziais.

Nekenciu, kaip verti mane juoktis,
Nekenciu, kad neskambini...

Bet labiausiai nekenciu to,
Kad taves nekesti neistengiu...
Ne trupucio, ne mazu maziausiai...
2003-07-21 14:42


va taip..
2003-07-21 14:41


I don’t know exactly how I am feeling. Words cannot describe.
But when I see him my stomach starts tingling.
Just the sound of his name sends shivers down my body.
He does something no other guy has ever attempted.
I have decided to take the chance and give him my heart.
If for some reason it comes back broken then that’s okay..
because I will have learned the hard way about heartache..and the experience will outlive the pain.
But I try and look at the bright side of things. And keep the positive in mind.
True I am younger than him,
age does not matter, especially two and half years.
We hardly get enough time together, but every moment we do get I take full advantage of.
Each time I learn I like him more and more…
I want to hear everything he has to say..
and I love joking around with him I can be the biggest dork
and he doesn’t care he just laughs with me.
Our kisses are so sweet and passionate I get lost in the moment. I want it to last forever.
He has got to be the best thing that has happened to me in awhile.
The whole situation remands confusing.
He is the PERFECT guy..yet no one approves.
Always having to sneak around gets frustrating
Yes I admit it was fun at first…but now..i want him as my own..
i don’t care what anyone else has to say.
When I first laid eyes on him
I could literally feel the chemistry we shared..
ooh and our first kiss told me he was the one I want to give myself too..
i couldn’t deny it and I had to let him know.
He was confused and wanted to know why..
it was unexplainable.
Something inside told me he is the one.
I feared I might regret it..but he made me feel so much better by talking to me
and letting me know its okay and he will always be there.
Those words alone gave me more comfort than ever.
When I am feelin down..he is there
Just the thought of him puts a smile to my face
It’s so confusing, because I have never felt this way
And I don’t know how exactly to react
My mind is trying to protect me
While my heart just wants me to be happy
I am going to follow my heart it seems stronger.
This guy is great..
I cant stay mad at him for anything..
Just one look and I start to smile.
I notice how jealous I get when he talks about other girls
Yet when he tells me I am the one..i just smile
Knowing I can trust him is so nice
And he is such an honest person.
We really do have a lot in common
He understands me and that is one thine I love
My friends think ..I am in love
Because I am constantly speaking of him and how hott and perfect he is..
Truthfully, I see myself going down that path
It used to scare me soo much
Because I never thought he could return my feelings
And I thought I would be left rejected
And head over heels
But I am realizing that’s not the case
Sometimes we talk about the future..
And I see him in mine..he has become a big part of my life
And I would have never guessed
But I wouldn’t change it for anything..
You see he takes my breath away..
Makes my heart skip a beat..
Gives me those butterflies in my stomach..
Makes me weak in the knees..
Sends tingles all over my body..
And can always make me grin..
I cant control all these feelings
Its gotten to the point where I don’t know what to do
Except follow my heart..
My attitude is..
Whatever happens..happens
For now..he is all I want..
And seems to have everything I have been looking for
Now its just up to him to say
Whether I am what he is looking for…

This is for my baby..he'll never know how much he really means..
2003-07-14 09:19


You're an angel witch, you're an angel witch
You're an angel witch, you're an angel witch
2003-07-14 09:06


NU šūdas,aš du kartus spustelėjau ir jau iškarto Du ~mėnulio mėnulio~.

2003-07-12 15:43


bishkely dingusi buvau :}
bet vel sugryzhau.
2003-06-29 00:39


2003-06-24 02:40


- Kaip tavo vardas?
- Labas.
- Tu ką,flegmatikas ?
- Vasia.
- Iš kur tu?
- Pats tu flegmatikas.

blemba,kad nesimiega.
2003-06-23 14:11



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