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2003-08-01 19:36
Mandarino Svajonė


Nothing remains
We could run
when the rain slows
Look for the cars or signs of life
Where the heat goes
Look for the drifters
We should crawl under the bracken
Look for the shafts of light on the road
Where the heat goes

Everything has changed
For in truth, it's the beginning of nothing
And nothing has changed
Everything has changed
For in truth, it's the beginning of an end
And nothing has changed
And everything has changed

[first voice]
In your fear

Of what we have become
Take to the fire
Now we must burn
All that we are
Rise together
Through these clouds
As on wings

[2nd voice]
In your fear, seek only peace
In you fear, seek only love
In your fear, seek only peace
In you fear, seek only love
In your fear, in your fear
As on wings
This is the trip
And this is the business we take
This is our number
All my trials, Lord
Will be remembered
Everything has changed

DAVIS BOWIE- SUNDAY ... klausau klausau klausau
2003-08-01 19:36
Mandarino Svajonė


Nothing remains
We could run
when the rain slows
Look for the cars or signs of life
Where the heat goes
Look for the drifters
We should crawl under the bracken
Look for the shafts of light on the road
Where the heat goes

Everything has changed
For in truth, it's the beginning of nothing
And nothing has changed
Everything has changed
For in truth, it's the beginning of an end
And nothing has changed
And everything has changed

[first voice]
In your fear

Of what we have become
Take to the fire
Now we must burn
All that we are
Rise together
Through these clouds
As on wings

[2nd voice]
In your fear, seek only peace
In you fear, seek only love
In your fear, seek only peace
In you fear, seek only love
In your fear, in your fear
As on wings
This is the trip
And this is the business we take
This is our number
All my trials, Lord
Will be remembered
Everything has changed
2003-07-23 16:43
Mandarino Svajonė


I'm here with my confession,
Got nothing to hide no more,
I don't know where to start,
But to show you the shape of my heart.

I'm looking back on things I've done,
I never want to play the same ol' part,
Or keep you in the dark,
Now let me show you the shape of my heart.

[Sting- Shape Of My Heart]
2003-07-09 17:17
Mandarino Svajonė


Tu liūdėt nebijok tu liūdėt nebijok
Nebijok liūdėt
Nes tiktai liūdesy nes tiktai liūdesy
Sielos džiaugsmas

2003-06-21 15:52
Mandarino Svajonė


Well, show me the way
To the next whiskey bar
Oh, don't ask why
Oh, don't ask why

Show me the way
To the next whiskey bar
Oh, don't ask why
Oh, don't ask why

For if we don't find
The next whiskey bar
I tell you we must die
I tell you we must die
I tell you, I tell you
I tell you we must die

<the DOORS>
2003-06-17 19:23
Mandarino Svajonė


Labiausiai mane erzina suvokimas, kad as esu, nes nezinau, kas as esu...
2003-06-14 19:23
Mandarino Svajonė


Lukiškių pieva, tėvyne mano,
Pasek man pasaką - pasaką be galo,
Apie kvepiančią žolę, kurią išmindė piemuo -
Trys mirksniai prieš aušrą, kai pražydo akmuo.

2003-06-12 23:16
Mandarino Svajonė


Kartais nuo kart
leisk mums paset
koky nors runkely marijampoles vidury...

oooooo mes kolukieciai, tavarishch
pamelshime karves kietai,
nes mes ne koks miestas miestas miestas,
nes mes kolukieciai tavarishch

mes kolukieciai
mes kolukieciai
mesime tvartus,
nes mes kolukieciai
ant svietooo.
2003-06-12 21:45
Mandarino Svajonė


man saule primena lietu, nes per lietu saule matau...
tokia slapia slapia man syspsos...
2003-06-09 02:34
Mandarino Svajonė


Siandien, tiksliau sivakar, numirti spejau.. dabtr guliu stikliniame karste, kad pamirsciau...
jei nori tegu atidaro, pabuciuoja, ir atsibusiu.... kai nebeliks del ko kankintis.
As numiriau... miegu... amzinybeje...
Realybeje princu nebuna?
Isimyleje zmones tampa jautrus?

Sokti nuo stogo, neapsimoka, vaizdas labai negrazus...
jei megstu save kankinti? tai as mazochiste?
As numiriau, kad pamirsciau kankyne, as stikliniame karste... o toliau atrseit turi buti kaip toje pasakoje...
jei tiketi pasakomis...
ar galima...?
jei as lavonas, tai ir negaliu buti silta...
jei as lavonas, tai keistai atrodytum mane buciuodamas...

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