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2018-05-15 20:21
kalbėti už abu
ir apkalbėti kad kalbėti
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2018-05-15 18:04
2 65
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2018-05-15 18:01
kaip alyvos o numeris 64 o muziejus tarsi 66 nors irgi 64 ir lyg menu ant jo tuščios sienos bet gal ir ne
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2018-05-15 17:53
Beauty will be CONVULSIVE or will not be at all

vijoklis bot dekoratyvinis convolvulus piktžolė BINDweed
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2018-05-15 16:15
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2018-05-15 16:07
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2018-05-15 13:23
The end shot of the woman smelling flowers makes us wonder whether she can actually smell the flowers or is she just miming human behavior.
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2018-05-15 13:18
between white and brown/yellow
oro beige ocra
between white and purple/red
lilla fucsia
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2018-05-15 13:07
Aplinkui pražydo alyvos 2018-05-15 12:32
o gėlės kokios 2018-05-15 12:32

alyva ir alavinis

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2018-05-15 12:50
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2018-05-15 12:46
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2018-05-15 12:32
She is off her swing and she is exhibiting a new sense. She is smelling the flowers.

It is the only other unrepeated image in the film.

o gėlės kokios
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2018-05-15 03:06
la banakt
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2018-05-15 03:06
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2018-05-15 03:04
ropė arba griežti(s) arba nabok
sha(wo)man arba The mu is a female soothsayer, whereas the chug a male one.

na bok ov arba lo li ta

mu arba turnip/ropė is a compound of tur- as in turned/rounded on a l a(u)thentic and neep, derived from Latin (a)napus.

fall off the turnip truck (just)

turnip flea ir turnip fly

bas tu tinių šeimos augalai (kopūstai, ridikėliai, griežčiai ir kt.).

Lath with sections of failing and failed sections.
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2018-05-15 01:05
Vivo per lei
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2018-05-14 22:09
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2018-05-14 21:38
kur akmuo AUŠRA nesakysiu niekam ir ypač
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2018-05-14 20:06
kasdien kalėdos
o velykos vis vakar
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