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And the sins of the fathers shall be visited
upon the heads of the children,
even unto the third and fourth
generation of them that hate me.

Stephen Crane

The giant, mountain tearing towers started faintly glinting in the cold, lifeless Sun rays, telling about the start of a new day. Perishing gusts of wind were torturing even the smallest living creatures, small sprinkles of snow told about the ferocious overnight blizzard, which left the land snow-capped, but now was finally over. A resounding, unearthly scream reverberates somewhere in the distance, making the swarm of armed warriors shiver. Darius woke up. Although the people surrounding him were already getting ready to move forward, he was lying on the thick fur (a trophy, which he had won after killing a blood thirsty beast) and gazing upon the sharp, snowy mountaintops. The view was oddly scary and hypnotizing, but Darius smiled.


- Papa, where does this water go to?
- Darius, my child, you see that big tower?
-Yes, papa…
-This tower keeps the water always warm, and it travels through the whole fortress!
-But… but… What if the water disappears?
- Don’t worry my son, the castle has its reservoir, besides, there is a stream, which gives us water during summer, when it’s warmer.
-I’m still scared, papa…
- You shouldn’t be, Darius, you’re a big boy, and I’ll always be right beside you.


-Master Darius, we have to go! – an old, worried voice broke Darius’ childhood reminiscence. - The sun is already up, we mustn’t lose any time!
- You are right, Alderan, please forgive me for this delay. - said Darius and quickly got up. He started carefully wrapping the fur, when a young, slim youngster approached and quietly offered a humble breakfast: some meat with a small loaf of bread.
- Thank you, I am not hungry. - Darius replied without even looking at the boy, who was both surprised and embarrassed to hear such a cold, unequivocal answer. After the youngster walked off, Darius stood still for a couple of minutes; his wooden stare was pointed towards the campsite, but the thoughts were elsewhere.


- Papa, papa, little Johny went to the theatre yesterday, I want to go too!
- Aren’t you a bit young for theatres, Darius?
- Please, papa, there’s a play for children, isn’t there?
- Well, we will go as soon as you finish your dinner, my son! You want to become the strongest ruler, remember? That’s why you must eat your porridge.


The platoon was marching towards the towers, which were getting bigger and bigger with every step. Surrounding mountains seemed to have become alive, staring at the nervous people, squeezing them slowly, painfully. Suddenly, a dark figure appeared in the distance; a few armed soldiers, walking in front, stopped fear-ridden.
- Men, to arms! - one of them shouted. The swarm drew their maces and pikes in dismay, not knowing which way to turn.
- Shun! - Darius ordered. - It’s only Obert! Are you all blind, for God’s sake?!
The  troops felt an ineffable relief, but they were also astonished about their leader’s strange metamorphosis: always still and emphatic he now became twitchy and irritable, meanwhile Darius threw a second short glance at the forthcoming scout, and continued outwatching the fortress’  immense towers.


- Father, the throne looks magnificent!
- And one day, Darius, this throne will be yours.
- I can see the whole kingdom from up here!
- Yes, my son, the almighty city of Elysium is on your palm.
- Father, what are those workers constructing?
- Darius, you’re old enough to know the truth… A long while ago, the land of Magnavane was a beautiful place to live. The region was fertile, plentiful of various animals, birds and trees, the rapid rivers gave fresh water and irrigated the fields during springtime, the mountains were full of minerals… It was the time of prosperity, the time of strength and happiness! And then they came…  The most merciless, cruel and horrible creatures the world had ever known. They came from another world; some call them the Satan’s Servants, others – the Necromancers, but we named them Sirions.
- And what happened next, father?
- The Sirions ravaged the whole region, devastated the villages, towns, obliterated the castles, nothing could stand in their way. Using their magic, Sirions turned once beautiful Magnavane into a cold, severe land, the rivers were frozen, the trees, swept out of existence, only the lifeless mountains and ruins reminded about the foretime. Thus began an eternal winter.
- But how was this city built then?
- You can’t imagine my child, what misery and torment the people had to suffer. The survivors were hiding in the caves like rats, starving, perishing from diseases, and when it seemed that there was no hope, the Sirions left this poor land, left our world. The ones, who outlived this tragedy, turned a new page in the history of Magnavane – they started rebuilding the villages, castles, but the people needed a leader.
- My grandfather?
- Yes, Darius. As you know, your grandfather started the construction of a huge city, the city where all people of Magnavane could live; he called it The Elysium. The construction was finished when I was your age, it was truly a miracle, a city of an outstanding beauty, hidden deep inside the bleak, fearsome, empty lands. However, food was the main question – Magnavane’s fields were turned into snow covered wastelands, there were hardly any animals to hunt, thus the Elysium was forced to buy food from other economic centres.
- I’ve seen a lot of caravans, father, so food is what they convey?
- Right… My son, do you realize how much gold it takes to feed the whole city? The treasury is almost empty… Maybe I’ve been a bad a ruler, maybe I’ve spent too much money, but this crisis would happen sooner or later, my dear, and I don’t want you to be responsible for it. I can’t let my city starve! The structure you’ve asked about is a portal, a portal to another world.
- Father, what are you talking about?
- Darius, my son, we are not ordinary people! Haven’t you noticed it? We both have mystical powers. Your grandfather got them from one of the Sirions, and these powers transmit from generation to generation. With the help of magic, I will open a portal to the other world, where, hopefully, we may find food to supply the entire Elysium.
- Stop this! You don’t know what you’re saying, father!
- I’ve once been in that world, son! I’ve been there with your grandfather. It’s a real paradise: green, lush grass, deep, blue rivers, lakes, lamblike animals, you just can’t imagine!
- You’re making a huge mistake!


- Master Darius, Obert, the scout, wants to talk to you. - Alderan interrupted Darius’ thoughts. He stood still for a few seconds, trying to orient, but soon went towards the swarm, where Obert had already been surrounded by soldiers.
- Sire! I have just been near the fortress, the situation is really threatening. - Obert started to explain.
- The main towers are strongly guarded, as well as the walls.
- And the front gate? - Darius asked silently.
- I’m afraid, as well. - Obert deplored.
- How about the secondary gateway? There mustn’t be many enemies patrolling it.
- I regret to say, but laying siege to the minor gate is almost impossible. As far as I noticed, the mountain path is very narrow, and, what is more, it’s well protected – there’s no chance of smashing through their arrows.
- You are right, Obert, the path is too narrow, we used to call it the Serpent’s Hideout. However, if I remember well, there was a secret entrance to the Elysium, somewhere in that area. - added Darius.
- It’s too risky, sir, we can’t take that chance. What if your father blocked that entrance? -  the scout replied. 
- There has to be a way, let me think… What if we use the mountains, to break in? If we are lucky, we won’t be spotted, and there’s a chance of capturing the gate. Then the siege would begin. – Darius was talking rather to himself than to Obert.
- Sire, your orders are what we follow. But remember, if we fail, the land of Magnavane is lost forever… - Obert overlooked the mountains, and wiped a tear. – Do you remember my family, Darius? You used to play with my son together. And remember the day when you had dinner in our home? My wife prepared a special meal… God, how I loved that stew! And then… then…
- I commiserate on your tragedy, Obert. Most of us lost their families and beloved, but we must be strong, we must fight for Magnavane, for the ones we loved and cared about. – Darius sympathized and took the tearful scout by the hand. – We must be strong…


- Father, stop! Don’t do this!
- Darius, you don’t understand, I’m helping the Elysium, I’m helping everyone.
- You’re wrong, I can feel it!
- Stay back… Patefacio… ianua… malum!
- … What’s happening, father?
- Look, Darius, look! Do you see the portal? Look, how it shines. Isn’t it beautiful?
- Stop father, don’t go in there!
- Come with me, son! I’ll show you the real beauty!
- … Oh my God! Father, you were right! I can imagine how many farms, hunters will produce food here. It’s so green, so lively…
- You see, son, everything is going to be great…


- Obert… - Darius pronounced painfully.
- Yes, Sire?
- Obert, is the castle guarded by Sirions?  - Darius asked fearfully, in dismay that someone might hear them.
- Fortunately no. The Elysium is protected by human troops, who agreed to help your father. - the scout answered silently.
- Bastards, and once I thought those soldiers were loyal, devoted to their people! -Darius exclaimed viciously.
- When I was heading to the castle, I saw a trampled trail. - Obert spoke carefully.
- By the size and form of the footprints, I’m sure that your father left the Elysium with the whole army of the Sirions. The trail went to the east, and I’m afraid other cities might be attacked.
- Then we will the siege Elysium tomorrow morning. We have a chance to recapture the city and prepare for the life-and-death battle against my father! -Darius shouted with certainty.
- And we will win… Alderan!
- Yes, master Darius. - Alderan came closer.
- Notify everyone: we begin the siege tomorrow, when the sun is up! 


- Father, I need to speak to you.
- Not now, Darius, I’m busy working.
- Open the door, father!
- We will talk later.
- You leave me no choice, father, I’ll break in!
- … What are you doing, brat! Get the hell out of here!
- Good gracious… What is that thing?!
- I said get out!
- Father, what happened to you?! Look at yourself, you’re a monster! The people are frightened, they say you have brought back the Sirions, they came through the portal! John said he had seen you transform a soldier into that otherworldly creature.
- It has been foretold that one day Magnavane and all the other lands will belong to the strongest, mightiest warlock the world has ever seen. With the help of the unworldly powers, I will rule the world… The time has come.
- Papa, I’m your son and…
- There is no place for weak. There is no place for mercy.


- Master Darius, the blizzard is getting stronger: we have to stop. - Alderan said anxiously.
- We will stop here, men! - Darius ordered.
The last rays of the sun merged with the end of a hard, weary day. The soldiers were resting near the fires, some of them were making supper, the others were talking, sharpening their pikes or just having a warmth. It seemed that the whole campsite had been surrounded by calmness, but it was only a short glimpse: every person was absorbed in thoughts, surmising whether he’s going to fall the battle or survive and help Darius to restore peace and serenity not only to the Elysium but to the whole Magnavane. The soldiers weren’t afraid of dying simply because they had seen too many deaths, agony, pain and horror: nothing could startle or unbalance these unfortunates.
Darius was sitting back from everyone. He enjoyed the solitude, which helped him to compose his thoughts. Glancing tongues of fire reflected in Darius’ deep, dark eyes.
- I can hear you ambling, Alderan! – Darius hailed lively. – Come here, sit by the fire.
- Thank you, master Darius. I needed some quiet. – Alderan answered uneasily.
- It is possibly our last night, my friend. – Darius said while looking at the flames.
- Every night is a door to beyond. No one ever knows what might happen tomorrow, or even is there going to be a tomorrow. – Alderan replied silently. - How have come you are here, Darius?
- Good question. You’re wondering why I have left my father, while we could reign together? – Darius asked and took a look at the campsite. – I couldn’t forsake my people, Alderan. I simply couldn’t. My father was the only person who I loved, he was a true paragon of justice, honesty, strength, he was my idol. I was proud of him as much as a son could be proud of his father. He loved and cared for the Elysium, for its people, and I’m doing the same now. After father had created that portal, he changed. Day by day I could see him getting angrier, sharper, he started using spells, magic, he was working isolated from the inner world. I knew that something was wrong, but I just loved him too much and hoped that everything would turn out to be fine. And then came the day when I found out the truth that my father had become an evil, lusting for infinite power creature. The people were running away, they had already understood the danger when they first saw the Sirions coming through the portal, but I didn’t believe, or maybe I just didn’t want to believe. But on that day, I couldn’t stand any more and I scampered away to the mountains. Long I pondered about my father while living in caves, fighting for food and shelter. I witnessed the Sirions’ carnage and I was lucky to survive, but at that moment, I wished they would have slained me.
- We should be grateful to God, that we are alive, master Darius. – Alderan said calmly.
- Perhaps. - Darius sighed. - Everyone lives for a reason, right? I guess, we have a reason as well, my friend. You have always been by my side, Alderan, since the day I was born, until now. If it wasn’t for you, these men would have been killed, as all the others. Magnavane, and possibly the whole world would have been fold with pure evil.
- No, Darius… - Alderan objected. – These men need a leader, a leader who will march them to victory. When we found you lying near those rocks, I knew that you would be that leader. You got these qualities from your father and I noticed it whole serving in the manor. Can’t you see, master Darius, we were only a cluster of refugees, trying to survive? We left our home, we were hiding in the mountains like a bunch of hungry, ghastly rats. It seemed the struggle was in vain, but then came the day, when we found you, and you found us. You did what seemed to be impossible: gather all the survivors and prepare them to fight for peace, to free the land from the devouring evil. You are already a hero, Darius; it’s an honour to be by your side.
- And it’s an honour to have lived by yours…
Beaming flames were slowly fading away, covering the world with eternal darkness.

<font x=“Lucida Calligraphy“>January 8th 1144

The sunrise is so clear today, so bright. Let that brightness be the sign of fortune.
I’ve divided the swarm into two groups – we’ll encircle the Elysium from different directions. A few woodworkers have produced ladders to siege the walls and now they’re hiding in the mountains. Alderan and Obert are in charge of the other group; I ordered them to rush into the castle if there’s a way: maybe the Elysium’s garrison is still slumbering.
I’m not afraid of dying, God, and my only wish is to save the Elysium… at any costs.

January 10th 1144

The Elysium is finally ours… But I don’t feel that fortunate. Only a small cluster of our force survived, some of the enemy troops surrendered and now they are on our side. These two days have been the most horrible in my whole life The  Elysium, my home…The streets are deluged with blood, corpses  lying everywhere, the houses devastated, the trees tumbled. I’ve found Alderan’s body transfixed with spears near the Cathedral, he believed in you, God! Why did you leave him to die?! The Elysium is no dream city, it’s a city if pain.

February 4th 1144.

Almost a month passed after the horrible battle. People from the nearby villages and castles moved to the Elysium – fear of the Sirions made them leave their homes. Scouts say that my father is marching back to Magnavane, he’s been informed about our success. I have very little time to prepare for the decisive siege – I need an army, and I have to train them fast.

February 24th 1144.

Obert just came back. He says he has secretly talked with my father’s soldiers: They won’t attack if we give them food and shelter. It would be a double luck – these people would help defending the Elysium, while my father is losing part of his army and will bare left with the Sirions. However, the city’s granaries are almost empty, I have to find a way to feed the city.

March 2nd 1144

A small group of soldiers went through the portal to guard the farm workers. Dangerous creatures often come to this part, I’m afraid they might get inside the city. The land is very fertile in the other world, however, there have been some strange happenings like cow diseases, apple rotting, wheat being eaten by unknown insects. Luckily, the land is full of animals that can be hunted for food. I hope we’ll produce enough food for both the Elysium and the allies.

March 15th 1144

Horrible diseases started spreading throughout the city. My father was prepared for this, I guess, there are lots of apothecaries and medicine, I hope the sick will get better, the people are very frightened. Food supplies are almost ready.

March 27th 1144

We shared our food with the deserters; some of them left in the Elysium, the  others went to patrol the lands. They say my father treated them like animals while  the Sirions were killing them one by one. The Elysium is now immune to the diseases and is preparing for a decisive battle.

April 3rd 1144

Obert and other scouts saw the campsite a few miles away. Tomorrow they will siege the Elysium. I have ordered all the people to stay in the main cathedral, as it will be much safer than staying on the streets. The soldiers are choosing their positions on the walls, and inside the city. I hope the pitch will help to stop the Sirions.
God, please help us…

April 4th 1144.

The Sirions are everywhere, they are surrounding the Elysium, killing the archers. The people are scared, but I mustn’t let them panic. As long as the Sirions don’t destroy the gate, we have a chance to survive.

April 6th 1144

How could I be so stupid?! The secret entrance to the Elysium… They used it, they are rushing into the city, the main gate has also fallen. The troops are dying, the  Sirions are  feeding on them, I don’t know how long  this will last. I can’t let them destroy the cathedral, this way all the people would be killed.  If we continue the slaughter in the city, the people will die out of hunger: The food supplies have gone away. We must fight the main force. I’m marching with the remaining soldiers. God, let the Elysium survive … It’s my last wish.
2008-12-02 17:04
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You're an over-educated talent, sir.
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