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at first a cheque book and your wallet
welcome into the cosmos supermarket
did you find your place in our showcase
then like in a mirror see your real face

one must speculate to accumulate remember toast
starting from black bad diamond moon below cost
just pay valuta which devil like most
one life or soul depend a man or ghost

next shining brilliant torchère the sun,
rephrase god said its not for everyone
first ask yourself are you standing high, the Great?
only this kind of person can afford her light to take

when saw string of light bulbs for sale
begin contemplate the day's events
i am not a devil not yet a saint
lost in my mind, but never mind
maybe great deal for millians us
god bless you i'll take a stars!
2007-02-22 15:16
Į mėgstamiausius įsidėjo
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Balsų: 12 Kas ir kaip?
Blogas komentaras Rodyti?
2007-02-22 21:31
einu paskaityt taviškio ;)
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Geras Blogas (1)
Blogas komentaras Rodyti?
2007-02-22 21:25
neblogai,trecias posmelis labai panasus i mano eilerasti viena.toks vaizdas ,kad butu atpasakotas kitais zodziais.
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Geras (1) Blogas
Blogas komentaras Rodyti?
2007-02-22 21:14
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Geras Blogas (1)
Blogas komentaras Rodyti?
2007-02-22 15:50
fainas:)lost in my mind but never mind
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Geras Blogas (1)

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